(usa Ubuntu)
Enviado em 26/12/2008 - 18:52h
eu qero saber como eh q configura o freerapid pois ele vem zipado eu so extrair e executei o arquivo frd.jar o programa inicio normal so que tem um problema ele tem uma opçao la na configuraçao dele pra adcionar entrada na area de trabalho mas so que da erro e diz pra mim configurar o syscmd.properties mas so que eu nao sei o que mexer la entao eu preciso que alguem aqui que manja do assunto me de algum suporte eu vo por aqi o arquivo:
# ******************************
# ******** BASIC INFO **********
# ******************************
# This configuration file provides system commands/scripts for Java application
# on Linux or MacOS operating system. MS Windows users don't need to use this file (it's ignored) at all.
# If you make some good configuration for your system and if you want to share it, please don't hesitate to send this file to info@wordrider.net.
# The commands are called from the application (eg. shutdown system, when all downloads are complete).
# This configuration file has a syntax of Java properties file (key=value, # - line comment. \n - new line, \t - tabulator).
# Application searches for this file in its configuration directory as first (~/.APPCODE),
# then it searches for this file in application's home directory.
# It's recommended to copy this file to its configuration directory (~/.APPCODE) for easier upgrading to newer version of the application.
# ******************************
# ***** RUNTIME VARIABLES ******
# ******************************
# You can insert following variables into your values. These variables will be replaced on runtime.
# %DIR% - current application directory (absolut path) - like /home/userid/appname
# %VERSION% - application version - eg. 0.65
# %PRODUCT% - product name - SuperSoftware
# %APPVERSION% - product name + version - eg. SuperSoftware 0.65
# %AUTHORS% - one line info about authors - eg. (c) Vity 2008
# %ICON_PATH% - absolut path to icon file - eg. ~/appname/app.png
# %SH_SCRIPT_PATH% - absolut path to shell script file running application - eg. /home/userid/appname/app.sh
# %ARGS% - arguments, which were used for application start - eg. --debug
# ******************************
# ***** SYSTEM COMMANDS *******
# ******************************
# Uncomment line with command as needed
#### Shortcuts commands
# Meaning of these commands is obvious
# Application WAITS for a result code.
#### Application restart command
restart_application=java -jar %DIR%/frd.jar %ARGS%
#### System shutdown commands
# It's highly recommended to insert sleep pause (eg. 2 seconds) before executing this type of command.
# Application DOESN'T WAIT for a result code.
# system shutdown - poweroff - 'sudo poweroff'
# system reboot - 'sudo reboot'
# system hibernate - suspend to disk
# system standby - suspend to RAM
desde ja eu agradeço!!